The effects of music to a person’s mind and emotion has been under research for a long time. Even though it’s not a replacement for sleep, relaxation can still help rejuvenate your body. In order to achieve a form factor small enough to be comfortable for sleeping, and accommodate a battery that can support sound playback for an entire night, we made the conscious design decision not to stream audio to Sleepbuds.
Calm your mind brings for you sleep sounds, relaxing music, sleep music, Meditation. Focus on relaxing each area of your body in sequence, from the top of your head to your toes. While the guided meditations for sleep have music and a voice to guide you, the sounds are slow and soothing, which help slow your mind down.
Whatever makes you feel calm, soothed, relaxed, and puts your body and mind in a restful mode is the right choice for you. If you feel the same, then try using relaxation music to filter out the background noise. A screenshot of the Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep app.
Designed to help kids relax and drift comfortably off to sleep, this type of meditation encourages the brain frequencies known as the » alpha state «—when you’re relaxed while awake—as in, daydreaming or nodding off but still responsive to sounds, such as a telephone ringing (or preschooler’s door opening after light’s out), before deeper phases of sleep.
Rather than feeling frustrated and hopeless, I look forward to using my mindfulness and meditation techniques to help myself fall asleep. There are many types of meditation and relaxation techniques that have meditation components. The key is choosing the right music for the time of day or night, and the desired effects.
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